Dewanganj Commuter Train Schedule & Ticket 2024

Among Bangladesh Railway’s private trains, the Dewanganj Commuter Train (Dewanganj Commuter Train) is one of the standard trains. This Commuter Train runs from Kamalapur to Dewanganj in Jamalpur under the Government of Bangladesh.

dewanganj commuter train schedule
Dewanganj Commuter Train Schedule 2024

Trains have been running in Jamalpur district since the British period. Many of us have heard the names Jagannathganj Ghat and Bahadurabad. No one has not heard the names Jamalpur Fertilizer Factory or Dewanganj Sugar Mill.

Dewanganj Commuter train

Many people mistake this train for the Dewanganj Computer Train. Actually, its correct pronunciation is Commuter.

Earlier, fertilizer from Jamuna Fertilizer Factory and sugar from Dewanganj Sugar Mill were transported across the country through these lines. Also, businessmen proposed to start a railway line from Mymensingh to Yamuna Bridge to connect with Dewanganj and Chittagong to do good business in Calcutta and it was implemented.

While various intercity train tickets are sold out online, Dewanganj commuter train tickets can be easily booked from the station up to a few minutes before departure and fares are also very low. But if your budget is a bit better then I would suggest you travel by Jamalpur Express or Teesta Express train.

Dewanganj Commuter Train Schedule 2024

Dewanganj commuter train leaves Dewanganj Bazar at 1 PM and reaches Dhaka at 7:10 PM. Similarly, it leaves Dhaka at 5:40 AM and reaches Dewanganj Bazar at 11:45 AM. It is good to say that this train travels from the Bahadurabad ghat line of Dewanganj to Chajara of Narayanganj.

Station NameDepartures TimeArrival Time
Dewanganj Bazar1:00 PM11:45 AM
Jamalpur Jn.1.45 PM11:00 AM
Dhaka5:40 AM7:10 PM
This Train has no off-day
Also Know : All inter city Train Schedule
dewanganj commuter train schedule
dewanganj commuter train schedule

Dewanganj Commuter Train Ticket Price

Dewanganj Commuter Train fare from Jamalpur to Dhaka is 90 taka per seat and Dhaka to Jamalpur is 90 taka. Dhaka to Dewanganj Bazar Take 100 and Dewanganj Bazar to Dhaka Take 110.

StationTicket price
Dhaka – Jamalpur90 Taka
Dhaka – Dewanganj110 Taka
Dewanganj to Dhaka110 Taka
Jmalpur to Dhaka90 Taka

Dewanganj Computer Train Stoppage

It is a popular train for the relatively low-income people of Jamalpur and Mymensingh districts of Greater Mymensingh Division. This train is almost always crowded. We all know this train is a private train. So this train ticket is not available online.

Let’s see the train stoppage and route.

Dhaka to DewanganjDewanganj to Dhaka
KamalapurDewanganj Bazar
BananiIslampur Bazar
Dhaka CantonmentDurmuth
TongiJamalpur Court
DhirasromJamalpur Jn.
Rajendra purPiarpur
Ijjat PurMoshiur Nagor
Shri PurNimtoli Bazar
Sat KhamairBiddaGanj
MoshakhaliMymensingh Road
GafargaonMymensingh Jn.
DholaAgricultural University
Awlia NagarSutiaKhali
Ahmad BariFatema Nagor
Fatema NagorAhmed Bari
Agricultural UniversityDhola
Mymensingh Jn.Gafargaon
Mymensingh RoadMoshakhali
Bagan BariKawraid
BiddaGanjSat Khamair
Nimtoli BazarShripur
Moshiur NagorIjjotpur
NurundiVawal Gazipur
Jamalpur Jn.Dhirasrom
Jamalpur CourtTongi
Melandaho BazarAirport
DurmuthDhaka Cantonment
Islampur BazarBanani
Dewanganj BazarKamalapur
Dhaka to Dewanganj train Schedule | Dewanganj to Dhaka Train Schedule

What is the Dewanganj Commuter Train Code?

Answer: Both the Uptime and Down Time code for this train is BR-48.

Dewanganj Computer train off day?

Answer: There is no off day for the Dewanganj Commuter train.

Dewanganj commuter train route?

Answer: The route is Dewanganj -> Jamalpur -> Mymensingh ->Gafargaon -> Joydevpur -> Biman bondor -> Dhaka.

How to buy Online Tickets?

The online ticketing system is not available for non-government trains. So the 100% of tickets are sold from the Station counter.

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